Welcome! We are a Pentecostal Holiness Church located in West Columbia, SC. We are here to walk through life with you while also searching and finding what God has in store for each and every one of us.
Our service starts at 10:00am on Sundays and 7:00pm on Wednesdays! Join us in person or online!
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Meet Our Pastors
Tom and Mandy Polk serve as the co-pastors of Crossroads World Outreach Center. This dynamic team has been a partnership for over 25 years. Their desire is to be within the community proclaiming the Word of Christ and providing good deeds whenever possible to the community. Tom accepted Christ when he was 10 years old and was called into the ministry while still in his teens. He is ordained through the S.C. IPHC. He has served as a senior pastor for over 20 years before coming to CWOC. He currently serves as the Arise in Prayer Coordinator and on the Executive Council of the S.C. IPHC. He has also served as a District Elder. Tom is a graduate of the University of South Carolina and has 30 years in the private sector working for Dayco Products in a number of departments including Production Manager, Safety & Training Coordinator and as an Industrial Engineer. Besides being a wonderful wife and partner in service to Tom, Mandy serves as the Assistant Arise in Prayer Coordinator and a Prayer Leader for the S.C IPHC Women’s Ministry. She holds her Local Church Ministers License through the SC IPHC. She has been a children’s ministry leader and teacher for 20 years. She also taught various ages of Sunday school and speaks at women’s events. She is a dynamo of energy, with a calling and a heart for children and youth. She firmly believes in lifting women up and helping them reach their full potential. She has also worked for the U.S. Post Office for over 20 years.

Our Ministries
We are a Bible-believing church that offers many different ministries that you and your family can be apart of
Our Staff Pastors

Pastors Tom & Mandy
Lead Pastor and Co-Pastor
Pastor Charles
Associate Pastor
Pastor Teresa
Prayer & Online Pastor
Pastor Bethany
Youth PastorContact Us